Planning for the Planet dashboard

Register for resources and advice from our team, and clearly demonstrate to your constituents that your council takes river pollution seriously.

Planning dashboard

Food for the Planet dashboard

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Food dashboard

Planning for the Planet

Local councils have the power to support nature friendly farming, tackle river pollution and protect wildlife through planning.

Over 100 busloads of toxic poo are produced by factory farms in the UK every hour. With our soils saturated, this ends up washing into our rivers, suffocating wildlife and ruining these precious ecosystems.  

Planning for the Planet is a network of places using local planning policy to support good food and farming and save our rivers.

Join Planning for the Planet   FAQs

What’s the problem?

We need good planning policy for food and farming now. Industrial livestock ‘megafarms’ are on the rise in the UK. They are polluting our rivers and air, causing nuisance and harming other rural businesses.

Councils also have new responsibilities to reverse biodiversity decline, tackle pollution and address the climate emergency.

Local planning policy can support small scale and nature-friendly farming, to benefit local wildlife and create more and better jobs.

Therefore, we believe all UK councils should have clear planning policy for food and farming, appropriate to the needs and opportunities of your area.

Factory Farms FAQs

What is Planning for the Planet?

Joining Planning for the Planet gives your council access to our online resources and expert support. To join, councils are asked to commit to implementing planning policy that reduces river pollution and is appropriate for their area.

Sustain has developed a process for aiding the development of policy that is recommended, but not mandatory:

  1. Assess the impact of intensive livestock production in your area on rivers, wildlife and the economy. We provide a template self-assessment, and you should publish this publicly.
  2. Adopt planning policies that are right for your area. Assess the policy solutions best for your council, considering the impact that industrial livestock production is having now, your biodiversity and climate commitments, and the status of your air and water, and put this policy into place.
  3. Influence wider progress by supporting our calls for better planning and farming policy across the UK.

Sustain supports nature-friendly farming and great local food. Find out more about Sustain’s farming work, including supply-chain fairness and supporting peri-urban farming.

C/o Sustain
The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777
Email us

Food for the Planet is helping local authorities, businesses and organisations take simple actions to tackle the climate and nature emergency through food.

© Food for the Planet 2025
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