Planning for the Planet dashboard

Register for resources and advice from our team, and clearly demonstrate to your constituents that your council takes river pollution seriously.

Planning dashboard

Food for the Planet dashboard

Browse the Every Mouthful Counts Toolkit, mark actions you have completed, and watch your emissions reduction total grow.

Food dashboard

Food For The Planet

84.64 tonnes of CO2 saved per year

Royal Borough of Greenwich has completed 18
Every Mouthful Counts toolkit actions:

Run food waste awareness-raising and reduction campaigns and events

50 tonnes of CO2 saved per year

Increase the amount of land used for community food growing

34 tonnes of CO2 saved per year

Provide a food waste collection service for households, schools and businesses

550 kilogrammes of CO2 saved per year

Subsidise the cost of compost bins, water butts and kitchen caddies

82 kilogrammes of CO2 saved per year

Ensure there are opportunities for edible surplus food to be redistributed

4.00 kilogrammes of CO2 saved per year

Publish and maintain a map of council landholdings

Declare a Climate and Nature Emergency

Sign the Glasgow Food and Climate Declaration ahead of COP26 in November 2021

Publish an action plan for tackling the climate and nature emergency

Establish a Local Food Partnership to help drive action on food, climate and nature

Nominate a staff member to lead on food and climate change

Provide training and support for agroecological farming

Use planning policy to protect food growing

Publish a sustainable food procurement policy

Deliver public campaigns to encourage people to adopt a more climate-friendly diet

Serve more climate-friendly meals in nurseries and primary schools

Serve more climate-friendly meals in your council-run care settings (residential care and meals on wheels) by signing the Planet Pledge

Publish a council-wide food use strategy to minimise food waste according to the food waste hierarchy

What's happening in Greenwich

GCDA registered

C/o Sustain
The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777
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Food for the Planet is helping local authorities, businesses and organisations take simple actions to tackle the climate and nature emergency through food.

© Food for the Planet 2025
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